Forum Replies Created
Felipe Raposo
ParticipantHey Robert, I’m actually still in training and wanted to wait till after Advent to start gearing up. I’m already pretty nervous on how to start a conversation that bringing up hell seems like such a far away thing for me to talk about. But I’m probably overthinking how you guys do it.
I like the approach I will keep it in mind when I’m out there
Felipe Raposo
ParticipantHi David,
I’m new to all of this so I found your post really inspiring! Im really eager to know how things are going, give us an update haha! I love how you incorporated water on a hot day to Matthew. I’m a Team Leader here in the Portland, Oregon region and I want to make it a mission to have days dedicated only to good works. We are facing a huge houseless crisis here so it’s important that we show who we really are.
Personally, I think we can and should take time to perform acts of charity with or without an emphasis on evangelizing.
This is reminder, that we cannot forget that we, us, are called to works of charity. Non-Negotiable.
Felipe Raposo
ParticipantHey Robert,
Im new to the SPSE movement so I’m going through the boards. I was wondering if you had any update on how the approach went. To me its solid truth-on-truth but how did it go with the presentation? My thoughts is that once I’m out there it can go 100+ different ways.
Like I said I’m new, so my approach right now is to plant seeds. So can I ask you this… How are you able to plant seeds with so much at once? I tried to grow a fig tree this year and turns out I inhibited it from growth because I overwatered it. I swear i thought a tree needed that much, but turns out it actually doesn’t, its a really difficult tree to grow. Lucky for me, after a few months, I’m starting to see it sprout again. I cant claim to be anything or anyone other than someone who is pretty wary of the hesitation to hear us out. In better days (the days of St. Paul haha) people were more open to truth, knowledge.
I believe you have the Holy Spirit flaring through you and that’s so great! If I could just say something, remember that we need to be so patient and patient with the lost sheep. Love them, tender them, comfort them.. its so much more beautiful when they come to you for the truth.
I hope that wasn’t weird haha
-FFelipe Raposo
ParticipantHi there,
Im new to the SPSE movement so I’m making my way down the boards.
I am curious to know, how do you engage non-confrontationally with someone about Hell? Don’t get me wrong, the topic is dire but in the short moments of engagement, especially with people who might be pretty oblivious to the plethora of good news that can draw interest.
Felipe Raposo
ParticipantHi Sharon,
Im new to the SPSE movement so I’m going down the board haha. I like your idea, I’m pretty sure I can picture it but if you have a copy of it can you email it to me? After I finish my training I wanted to set up a booth at my parish and anything that could engage my fellow lay to take part i encourage!
my email:
It would be nice to have more of media resource for the cause. I’m interested to know what other evangelists are doing.
Felipe Raposo
ParticipantHi Maricela,
Im new to the SPSE crew so I have been frequenting this board often. What struck me most about your post was the value of patience, something I have been working on myself. As someone who like you have my lazy moments and my lazy YEARS (lol) how God works in a whole different timeline than us. Your friend is fortunate to have you and I’ve been in the same shoes so many times that I see a friend in distress and I’m just itching to get them on “our side”. If I could just offer some novice advice, I would say trust in the Spirit 100% and throw away your timeline. I fought the call of evangelization for YEARS, made excuses and tried to make up for it in other ways. But in retrospect I wasn’t ready, but I always had good influences leading me home.
Whats wonderful about Gods mercy is that he’s not keeping a timetable of how long we’ve believed/been devout/etc. Remain a beacon for your friend, trust in the Holy Spirit and pray pray pray, don’t give up and God will provide.
Felipe Raposo
ParticipantHey here kjsspei,
Thanks for the response! I’m still working through the training and I’ll probably run through it again to catch anything I may have missed. the reason I posted was because before I joined SPSE I was out in Portland passing out water and food, and (shh!) I was covering up awful things I saw with a few stickers of our Blessed Mother ;).
The reason I had asked the question was because Portland is going through a bit of a midlife crisis. There’s hostility towards the Gospel and there’s hostility towards “organized religion”. I’ve come to realize that we’re not looking to make martyrs so I’m going to tread a bit more carefully and just spend more time scoping out safer locations.
I have engaged with the houseless community on a secular level and am always itching to bring the Light to their lives, but I will let the Holy Spirit take the wheel and guide me, and right now, He’s telling me to slow down. Since the original post I’ve had time to rethink my methods and locations. I hope and pray that no one ever has to face adversities at that level, so I will work towards the same.
I’m almost done training, please keep me and our nation in your prayers!
November 20, 2021 at 5:03 am in reply to: October 2021 – How can a loving God send people to eternal torment? #13630Felipe Raposo
ParticipantI think its important too too say the benefits of Church, especially in the Eucharist, the readings, the praise to God he deserves.