Start your team, recruit new evangelists, and get out there on the streets with best practices, tips, and tricks from our experienced evangelization experts.
Printable Tracts
These pamphlets may be printed and freely distributed by SPSE Partners. Written by SPSE theologians and friends of the institute, these pamphlets are an excellent way to inform yourself and an easy way to share the gospel with others.
You do not have to pay royalty on these talks. Permission has been secured for you to burn these to CDs and hand them out in your street evangelization. You may not post them publicly online, sell them, or use them for anything else.
My Ideal: Jesus Son of Mary, the Catechism in Examples, the Aquinas Catechism, the Street Evangelization Handbook, and more.
Archived Training
View recordings of our past evangelization conferences, including Intercessory Prayer with Sister Anne Shields, as she guides you in ways to use prayer to evangelize.
Seeker Small Groups
Learn how to establish relationships that can lead others into the Faith in a meaningful way.
Our Faith
Want to know all about the Catholic faith? This is your one stop shop! Articles, mp3s, tracts, prayers, and much more.
Group Training
The goal of this series is to give you practical knowledge and skills for confidently sharing the faith with anyone you meet.
Message Boards
At Saint Paul Street Evangelization, we believe there’s nothing more unstoppable than when people come together.
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