Re: Wearing SPSE SWAG While Evangelizing

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  • Creator
  • #17118
    Judd Case

    I’m a new team leader, and my team and I are gearing up for our first event.

    We’ll have a table at our town’s community night, which will fit in with the recreation league tables, businesses, charities, churches, and food carts.

    My team is all excited to go out in SPSE shirts and hats, and I think it could be good. I’m also wondering if it could be too much and that all the gear might seem tacky.

    Please share your thoughts and experiences with this sort of thing!

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  • Author
    • #17134
      Avatar photokjsspei

      I think you would do well to conceive this in terms of a individual people as a group.
      Each person might want to consider one article of clothing. I wouldn’t think it a good idea for one person to go all decked out with SPSE gear (hat, shirt, pants). My preference is for one article of clothing, usually a shirt (or hoodie, weather permitting) per person, but that’s just my .02. 🙂

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