Reply To: December 2020: What do you say if someone says yoga helps calm their child?

Home Page Forums Whaddaya Say? December 2020: What do you say if someone says yoga helps calm their child? Reply To: December 2020: What do you say if someone says yoga helps calm their child?

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Ok, you know that Yoga is against Church teaching but your child has been helped to be calm by it – correct? Then you must first understand why it is against Church teaching. Yoga is not just about limbering up your limbs, but it is a Hindu practice that uses physical means to achieve a spiritual end. So the question of separating the physical from the spiritual is really a contradiction in terms. Stretching exercises and just going outside for a walk or run can help your son. So can take a deep breath and count to 100 slowly. Start your son listening to some soothing music or have him think of things he is grateful for or hug someone. All these will help your son stay calm. And pray for him that he will understand that Yoga is for Hindu’s, not Catholics.