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I used my personal email but I’ve seen other team leaders create a separate email for SPSE business cards, like spse.sanjose@gmail.com or something like that.
Note that we have printable, customizable business cards here with our logo in various colors:
Black logo: https://evangelizationschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/SPSE-editable-business-card-black.pdf
Red logo: https://evangelizationschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/SPSE-editable-business-card-red.pdf
Blue logo: https://evangelizationschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/SPSE-editable-business-card-blue.pdf
We also offer something we call the Catholic Audio Card in our online store: https://evangelizationschool.com/store/product/spse-catholic-audio-card/
It’s got a spot for putting your contact information and it also has a link to various free Catholic mp3s on our website.
I hope this is helpful. God bless!
Dan Marcum