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We are all Christians (believers) so we will all end up in the same place anyways.
That’s not necessarily true. Jesus will judge each one of us separately when we die, and He said “Not every one who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”
So while being a believer in Jesus is essential, it’s the ones who do the will of the Father that will be saved.
All I need is the bible or I cant find that in the bible or that is not in the bible.
Where in the Bible does it say all we need is the Bible? The Bible calls the church the pillar and foundation of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15) and Jesus says to take disagreements to the church (Matthew 18:15-17), He never says anything about the Bible. Did you ever ask yourself where the idea came from that says we should only use the Bible to figure out what’s true?
I was raised Catholic but now I am….
away from home? Would you like to come back to Mass with me? or confession? you know, Jesus established the Catholic Church in order to save souls.
I pray to Jesus directly I don’t need the saints, Mary, etc…
The prayers of Mary, and the other saints in heaven are more powerful and effective than ours. We would be wise to ask them to pray for us.
When you get to heaven, are you going to say to those other folks, “I don’t need you”?
Why doesn’t the Catholic Church allow women to be priests?
Because Jesus chose 12 men to be the first priests. We aren’t going to go against what Jesus did.
I don’t need pray beads/rosary to guide me in prayer I do it on my own.
The rosary is a powerful meditation on the life of Jesus. Give it a try, it gives me great peace and helps me to do good and to avoid evil. Many great Christians can attest to it’s power.
I can save myself. I can forgive my own sins.
Really? You can save yourself from death? Mind if I ask how?