We offer International shipping on orders over $100. In order to provide you with an accurate invoice and shipping cost we ask that you email us your order using the instructions below.
- Go to evangelizationstore.com
- Write down the name and quantity of each item you would like to purchase
- Email sales@stpaulse.com
- In the subject line write “International Order”
- In the body of the email include your name, phone, email, shipping address, and billing address (if different than shipping) and the items and quantity you would like to purchase
- Once we receive your email we will calculate the total cost of goods and send you an invoice with shipping quotes to choose from. It will also include our new, optional insurance cost
- Once we receive your email back, we will calculate the total cost of goods and shipping. This final email will include a link that is payable online
- Pay the invoice online by your preferred payment method: Credit, Debit, Paypal
- Once payment is received we will ship your items
If you have any questions please call the office at 657-777-2963.